Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Honorary Professorship

Image result for carleton universityI have just been awarded the honorary position of Adjunct Research Professor in Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University (Ottawa). 

I am currently supervising a PhD student at Carleton who is writing on the legal and social implications of snuff fiction.

The role has no bearing on my position at Northumbria University, where I will continue as Head of Subject for Media.

Monday, 17 December 2018

Publications in Slovenian

I am part of a REF impact case study focusing on film festivals, which is led by my Northumbria colleague Dr Russ Hunter. The project entails delivering our research in public spaces. In 2019, I will return to Offscreen Festival in Brussels and Kurja Polt Festival in Ljubljana to deliver public lectures.

As a result of our work with Kurja Polt, some of my research work has been translated into Slovenian and published in Kino! journal

‘Tvoja zgodba je resnična in ljudje to čutijo’: mučenje v kontekstu” (Kino! 31/32), which is a translation of a chapter from my monograph Torture Porn Popular Horror after Saw (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2013).

Kartezijanstvo in intersubjektivnost v filmski seriji Paranormalno ter v filozofiji duha” (Kino! 36), which is a translation of the article “Cartesianism and Intersubjectivity in Paranormal Activity and the Philosophy of Mind”, which was originally published in Film-Philosophy (21:1, 2017).

Abertoir 2018

In November, I was invited back to Abertoir film festival where I delivered a public lecture on the slasher film. It was a pleasure to return to Aberystwyth. Thanks to Gaz, Nia and the Abertoir crew for having me back.

A review of the festival (including some very kind words about my talk) is available on Love Horror here