The book is based on a conference that was held at Bournemouth University in November 2012. It features a foreword from David Kerekes (co-author of Killing for Culture) and wide variety of essays on the subgenre. My chapter "A View to a Kill: Perspectives on Faux-Snuff and Self" is based around the Amateur Porn Star Killer movies.
The book can now be pre-ordered from Bloomsbury, Amazon and other retailers. The Amazon link provides a preview of the content.
A book launch will be held on 12th February in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: details can be found here:
I hope to see some of you there
Table of Contents:
Foreword: A Culture of Change
David Kerekes
Introduction: Shot, Cut and Slaughtered
Neil Jackson (University of Lincoln, UK)
Part I – The Changing Meaning of "Snuff"
Chapter 1: The Way to Digital Death
Julian Petley (Brunel University, UK)
Chapter 2: The Affective Reality of Snuff
Misha Kavka (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Chapter 3: Animal Snuff
Simon Hobbs (University of Portsmouth, UK)
Chapter 4: Breathing New Life into Old Fears: Extreme Pornogrpahy and the Wider Politics of Snuff
Clarissa Smith (University of Sunderland, UK)
Chapter 5: From Snuff to the South: The Global Reception of Cannibal Holocaust
Nicolo Gallio (University of Bologna, Italy) and Xavier Mendik (University of Brighton, UK)
Chapter 6: A Murder Mystery in Black and Blue: The Marketing, Distribution and Cult Mythology of Snuff in the UK
Mark McKenna (University of Sunderland, UK)
Chapter 7: Traces of Snuff: Black Markets, Fan Subcultures and Underground Horror in the 90s
Johnny Walker (Northumbria University, UK)
Chapter 8: SNuff 2.0: Real Death Goes HD Ready
Mark Astley (Independent Scholar, UK)
Part II – "Snuff" Across Film and Television
Chapter 9: Unfound Footage and Unfounded Rumours: The Manson Family Murders and the Persistence of Snuff
Mark Jones & Gerry Carlin (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
Chapter 10: Wild Eyes, Dead Ladies: The Snuff Filmmaker in Realist Horror
Neil Jackson (University of Lincoln, UK)
Chapter 11: The Mediation of Death in Fictional Snuff: Reflexivity, Viewer Interpellation and Ethical Implication
Xavier Aldana Reyes (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)
Chatper 12: "Why Would you Film It?" Snuff, Sinister and Contemporary US Horror Cinema
Shaun Kimber (Bournemouth University, UK)
Chapter 13: Cinema as Snuff: From Pre-Cinema to Shadow of the Vampire
Linda Badley (Middle Tennessee State University, USA)
Chapter 14: Affect
Tina Kendall (Anglia Ruskin University, UK)
Chapter 15: A View to Kill: Perspectives on Faux-Snuff and Self
Steve Jones (Northumbria University, UK)
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