Saturday 20 April 2019

Kurja Polt 2019

I have just returned from Kurja Polt Festival where I presented a research paper about the slasher film alongside my fellow presenters Jamie Sexton and Alison Peirse. The event was organised and chaired by Russ Hunter. My thanks as always to Masa Pece and the Kurja Polt team for having me back. It was my third time at the festival, and it is always fantastic.

Here is a video of the complete talk (I was feeling really pretty ill during this, so probably not my finest hour):

A full gallery of photos from the event is available here. Some highlights below

Here is the summary of my talk, taken from the Kurja Polt zine:

[I think "dobra brada" is a compliment about my beard]

Here is a snap of me talking about slasher films on Slovenian National TV (on Osmi Dan)

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